Discuss Reasons Behind ‘Scan To Computer No Longer Activated Error’
Once you have figured out how to scan from printer to computer it does not necessarily mean that you will face no glitches with the scan to computer setup . When you scan to computer from printer and find the ‘Scan to computer no longer activated error’ then this means there is some issue with the network connection or printer drivers software. This blog is for you because it tells you how to get the ‘Scan to computer no longer activated error’. Now let us go through the tips that will help in removing this error. Tips To Fix The ‘Scan To Computer No Longer Activated Error’- Connections- You must check the connections first, anytime there is an issue with the printer not working properly. The wired connections should be proper and there should be no damage or wire breakage of any sort. Check for the following connections thoroughly; If your printer is connected with the help of a USB, then make sure that the USB cord is nicely attached. If the printer is connected with the help of a...